Golf Trip with Near Zero

Golf Trip with Near Zero
I'm likely not Near Zero's target customer, but this last weekend Near Zero equipment played a key part in my being able to play my favorite golf course, Bethpage Black.

Bethpage Black is consistently ranked one of the best golf courses in the world, as it has hosted the US Open twice, PGA Championship and will host the Ryder Cup in 2025. It's located in Long Island, about 1hr train ride from Manhattan (Penn Station).

While living in NYC for +10yrs, Bethpage golf courses (there are five in total) is where I learned to play, so whenever I return to the city, I always try to fit in a round of golf if my schedule allows.

Advanced tee times can be tricky to obtain (at least morning ones), so my best chance of playing was to capture one of the times they leave open for walk up golfers (first hour of play + one tee time each hour).  To accommodate the walk up demand, they allow golfers to line up in the parking lot the day before and hand out tickets the morning of play at 4:30am, on a first come first served basis.  I have stayed overnight in a car before, but this trip I was not planning to rent a car, so was looking for an option to carry camping equipment with me.  I needed it to be light and compact enough for me to carry in a small backpack to take on an airplane.

This is where Near Zero equipment really came through.  I was able to pack a Near Zero 2P tent, sleeping bag, pillow, added with an inflatable mattress and folding chair into a 20L backpack.  Overall, including the pack, it weighed <10lbs!

I arrived Friday late afternoon, was able to play a twilight round on Red, and then walked over to the parking lot and claimed my spot for the next morning. I obtained #7 parking spot, securing one of the first tee times out the next morning.

It was a great success and glad I have this option if unable to book in advance.


Thank you, Near Zero!

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